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Problems with login and sending emails [RESOLVED]

As of around 20:25 we are aware of an issue affecting webmail logins and sending emails. We are investigating now and will update with more information as soon as we can.

[20:45] It seems to be a database server issue. We are working to find the cause and will update again ASAP.

[21:43] The issue is proving much more complex than it first appeared to be, and is requiring deep investigation and repair. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. 

[22:44] Determined that the cause by possibly be an issue with the database connections between two of our datacentres. Webmail is back up but not yet confirmed to be fully stable as we are continuing to work on one of the database servers.


Originally Written: 11-May-2015 20:40, Last Updated: 11-May-2015 23:01

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